CGA Webinar:

Hydrogen Supply Systems (2-Part Series)

Part 1: Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Part 2: Wednesday, November 6, 2019

2:00 – 3:00PM Eastern

(11AM Pacific; 12PM Mountain; 1PM Central)

Presented by:
Rob Early, Technical Manager, Compressed Gas Association

September 29, 2019

The use of hydrogen (HY) continues to grow globally. Both new applications for hydrogen, as well as the growth in existing applications, have helped drive this increase in demand. The growing use of hydrogen leads to a greater number of hydrogen supply systems, in a world where similar-looking supply systems for oxygen, nitrogen, and argon (OXY/NIT/AR) are already common.

When designing, building, or operating a hydrogen supply system, you must be certain that you understand both the differences and the similarities between OXY/NIT/AR supply systems and HY supply systems. That understanding will allow you to work safely with hydrogen.

In this two-part webinar series hosted by the Compressed Gas Association, CGA Technical Manager Rob Early will provide an overview of the differences and similarities between OXY/NIT/AR supply systems and HY supply systems. He will provide a list of hydrogen standards for your supplemental study and learning. And he will help you develop – or expand – your foundational understanding of hydrogen so that you can work effectively and safely with this gas and its supply systems.

Webinar – Part 1 on October 30 will cover:

  • Typical industrial gas supply system standards
  • Material properties
  • Pipe materials
  • Regulators and other components
  • Weather protection
  • Setback distances to exposures

Webinar – Part 2 on November 6 will cover:

  • Cryogenic tank components
  • Vaporizers
  • Venting from valves and PRDs (pressure relief devices)
  • Equipment grounding
  • Electrical classified areas

Regardless of your background (some or no experience with OXY/NIT/AR systems, some or no experience with HY systems), this webinar will help you advance your knowledge of this important topic.

All employees who work for CGA member companies may participate in this webinar for free.

Attend this webinar to learn:

  • Insights about OXY/NIT/AR systems and how they relate to working with hydrogen systems

  • Which components are interchangeable, which are not, and why

  • Strategies to address unique HY systems safety challenges, including electrical classified areas

  • Regulatory and code challenges specific to HY systems, such as OSHA Process Safety Management (PSM) and EPA Risk Management Program (RMP)

  • How to find additional material on HY systems, including ongoing updates to standards

“When designing, building, or operating a hydrogen supply system, you must understand the differences and similarities between OXY/NIT/AR supply systems and HY supply systems. That understanding will allow you to work safely with hydrogen.”

Audience level:

  • Non-technical, entry-level (little to no knowledge of the topic is required)
  • Intermediate (basic knowledge and understanding of the topic)

The 45 minute presentation will be followed by 15 minutes of Q&A with the audience, so come prepared with your questions.

About Our Speaker: Rob Early

Rob Early serves as the Technical Manager for nine CGA committees, including the Hydrogen Technology Committee.

Before joining the Compressed Gas Association, he had over 30 years of experience designing, installing, and starting up both standard and non-standard hydrogen supply systems and nitrogen/oxygen/argon supply systems.

Rob also developed and led a hydrogen supply system training program and developed multiple company standards for hydrogen supply systems.

Specifically, Rob’s experience includes:

  • Extensive experience with design and start-up of hydrogen supply systems at customer sites, while working for Praxair
  • Creator of or contributor to multiple CGA hydrogen publications
  • Developer of Praxair hydrogen supply systems training program
  • Chair of NFPA 55, Compressed Gases and Cryogenic Fluids, technical committee
  • Member of NFPA 2, Hydrogen Technologies Code, technical committee

Rob holds a BS in Mechanical Engineering from Rochester Institute of Technology.

Webinar Fee

$0        Employees of CGA member companies

$75      Non-member price for 2 webinars, purchased together

$49      Non-member price for each webinar, purchased individually