oxygen truck parked

Supporting Critical Infrastructure Recovery: Roberts Oxygen’s Role in the Key Bridge Demolition Project

CGA is proud to work with companies across the country and around the world that are committed to supporting vital infrastructure projects, especially in times of urgent need.

June 2024 National Safety Month

National Safety Month Spotlights Compressed Gas Industry’s Commitment to Safety

This June, the Compressed Gas Association (CGA) is proud to participate in National Safety Month, a dedicated period to emphasize workplace safety across industries. Throughout the month, CGA will lead its members in an engaging series of initiatives designed to educate, inform, and empower the compressed gas community on safety best practices.


Navigating Model Code Consolidation: CGA’s Contribution to NFPA Hydrogen Codes

Model codes are requirements developed by standards organizations, such as the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), to help enforcement officials operate safely and efficiently. Given the relevance and importance to our members, CGA takes an active role in the process to update model codes, including codes for the rapidly growing hydrogen space.

CGA Tech 24 Logo

Announcing TECH24 Sponsorship Packages: Make Connections, Maximize Exposure, and Support CGA

We are thrilled to introduce exclusive sponsorship and exhibitor opportunities tailored for TECH24.

Don Fisher Receives 2024 Charles H. Glasier Award

The 2024 award recognizes an exceptional individual for their outstanding safety leadership within the industrial gas sector. This year, we proudly present this accolade to Don (Donny) Fisher from Air Products.

Jay Worley to Helm CGA Board of Directors

Jay Worley, Chief Operating Officer at Airgas, Inc., has been elected Chair of the Compressed Gas Association’s Board of Directors. The previous Chair, Nelson Moreira, handed off the leadership role to Jay Worley at CGA’s 111th Annual Meeting, CGA24.

NEW! eLearning: TM-11, The Safe Preparation of Compressed Oxidant-Fuel Gas Mixtures

This new e-learning module covers the minimum recommendations for the safe preparation of compressed oxidant-fuel gas mixtures in cylinders by both static methods (addition of one component after another) and dynamic methods (addition of all components simultaneously) in cylinders.

Outgoing Chairs Recognized at CGA24

CGA has 35 committees, including technical and leadership committees, and more than 850 participants who volunteer their time to advance CGA’s safety mission. Chairing these committees is a substantial commitment and we thanked and recognized the following outgoing chairs at CGA24, our 111th Annual Meeting.

CGA Attends 54th Meeting of the International Harmonization Council

Representatives from the Compressed Gas Association (CGA) were in Kyoto, Japan in March 2024 for the 54th meeting of the International Harmonization Council (IHC).

Celebrating Environmental Excellence: 2024 Earth Day Honors

As we celebrate Earth Day in 2024, the Compressed Gas Association is proud to honor three outstanding organizations for their commitment to environmental excellence.